9-10:30 10:30-12 12-1:30 1:30-3 3-4:30 4:30-6 6-7:30 7:30-9
Tutor Acting Singing Get Home Planning session
Singing Acting Dance Ballet
Acting Digi Hour First session Rehearsals
Singing Dance First session Dance Rehearsals
Second session Contemporary Choir Consort Rehearsals
Work 9:30 - 4 Second session
Work 10-4 Additional session
This is time dedicated to planning out the week ahead.
This is time to improve upon my chosen interpretive skills.
This is time to improve upon my chosen technical skill.
Week 1, Training 1- Measure splits for starting splits.
Week 1, Training 2- Complete stretch routine collated from research and previously taught stretches. Each stretch 15 seconds.
Week 1, Training 1- Watch videos and research to understand more about what dynamics are.
Week 1, Training 2- Experiment and try out what I learned from my research
Week 2, Training 1- Take part in several stretch sessions including extra stretches found through research.
Week 2, Training 2- Film and record check points for this week.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Week 2, Training 1- Complete Christmas cabaret dance rehearsal.
Week 2, Training 2- Complete my run within Christmas Cabaret.
Ankle Strength
Week 2, Training 1- Film my pirouettes to refer to as a point of programme.
Week 2, Training 2- Carry out exercises to improves rises and relivees.
Week 2, Training 1- Refine dance solo and film.
Week 2, Training 2- Watch back video to identify areas to improve on.
Week 3, Training 1- Stretch session, focusing on hip flexibility. Increase each stretch by 5 seconds.
Week 3, Training 1- Film progress in splits.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Week 3, Training 1- Complete HIIT workout.
Week 3, Training 1- Complete HIIT workout and sing through audition songs.
Ankle Strength
Week 3, Training 1- Complete pirouette exercise.
Week 3, Training 1- Train and work on sustained dynamics.
Week 3, Training 2- Apply sustained dynamics into dance solo.
Week 4, Training 1- Complete set stretch routine, increasing length of each stretch by another 5 seconds.
Week 4, Training 2- Film splits as a point of progress.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Week 4, Training 1- Complete slightly longer HIIT workout.
Week 4, Training 2- Complete another HIIT workout, of the same length.
Ankle Strength
Week 4, Training 1- Undertake rise exercises.
Week 4, Training 2- Undertake rise exercises.
Week 4, Training 1- Train and work on explosive moments.
Week 4, Training 2- Apply explosive dynamics into dance solo.
Facial Expressions
Week 4, Training 1- Explore and research ways to train this skill.
Week 4, Training 2- Apply this research to audition material.
Vocal Phrasing
Week 4, Training 1- Outline where this technique will benefit audition material.
Week 4, Training 2- Apply these changes and film audition material.
Week 5, Training 1- Complete set stretch routine, Increasing length of each stretch by 10 seconds..
Week 5, Training 2- Learn new combination to demonstrate improvement in flexibility.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Week 5, Training 1- Complete slightly longer HIIT workout.
Week 5, Training 2- Complete different style endurance workout.
Ankle Strength
Week 5, Training 1- Train with pirouette exercises.
Week 5, Training 2- Training with relivee exercises.
Week 5, Training 1- Train and work on vibratory dynamics.
Week 5, Training 2- Apply this to a piece of choreography.
Facial Expressions.
Week 5, Training 1- Apply my skills I have learnt into dance.
Week 5, Training 2- Try a different dance style, using what I have learned for facial expressions.
Vocal Phrasing
Week 5, Training 1- Explore professional performances to take inspiration.
Week 5, Training 2- Explore techniques to implement phrasing into my acting.
Week 6, Training 1- Complete set stretch routine, each stretch now being held for 35 seconds.
Week 6, Training 2- Film ending point for splits.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Week 6, Training 1- Complete HIIT workouts.
Week 6, Training 2- Complete HIIT workout, with singing.
Ankle Strength
Week 6, Training 1- Timed relivee and rise exercises.
Week 6, Training 2- Complete travelling pirouette exercises.
Week 6, Training 1- Experiment with all dynamics in a routine.
Week 6, Training 2- Perform and film the same routine from a previous week with all dynamics and techniques learned.
Facial Expressions
Week 6, Training 1- Breakdown my audition monologues and identify moments of highlight or change in emotion.
Week 6, Training 2- Perform and film my audition monologues with full performance and commitment to the character.
Vocal Phrasing
Week 6, Training 1- Go through a new song, deciding where I will add all the different techniques that improve vocal phrasing.
Week 6, Training 2- Perform and film a new song, once with no extra vocal phrasing techniques and the other including everything I have learned over the training programme.